Today’s Story
My good friend Keith Fuller, a leadership consultant in the computer games industry, wrote a powerful post with several excellent questions about leadership.
Over and over again, I see well meaning people who just don’t seem to “get it” when it comes to leading others.
Sometimes it’s the simple stuff, like making a connection on a regular basis.
Action Point
Today let’s take a look at another one of the questions he asked:
Does every team member get a 1-1 meeting with their boss at least once a month?
Does every team member get a 1-1 meeting with their boss at least once a month?
It’s simple, isn’t it?
Do your team members meet regularly with their boss to talk about
- What’s working,
- What’s not working,
- What’s missing and
- What’s next?
Going Deeper
- Read Keith’s article
- Check out this very practical podcast on how to run a 1-1 meeting.
One Final Thought
If you’re not meeting with your boss regularly, why not take some initiative? Ask for a meeting to talk about short term goals and performance feedback.
Let me know how it goes. Send me an email
Let me know how it goes. Send me an email
Cooper News
I have been following some indie bands for more than 25 years. The Internet has been a huge blessing in that respect. A couple of the bands I follow have recently launched new albums using kickstarter. I was able to support their work, and got backstage passes to a concert.
Last Sunday they came to Charlotte. Here’s a pic of my son and me hanging with Steve Taylor, Peter Furler and the rest of the band.
So much fun to hang with my son and connect him with music I love, too.
Great recap and find Tom. Here’s the comment I left on Keith’s site –