Get started!
You know great teams require some "care and feeding" with intentional team building, but with the pressure to ship, it's easy to let that task "slip" on your schedule.
After all, nobody yells at you for skipping team building, but they sure yell at you when the code isn't done, or if it's full of bugs.
So what happens? Team building gets pushed back.
But you really know it's time to plan "something" for your team. (It's past time, isn't it?)
You also want something more memorable than a team dinner or another trip to the bowling alley. But you're busy.
And making time to think about and plan a special event is hard.
Let me help.
- To build great software with your team.
- To be respected by your boss and by your team
- To have your leaders listen when you tell them how things are
- To have a team focused on the work, and getting along while they do it.
I believe with all the tools and resources we have these days, it shouldn't have to be THIS HARD to build a great software team.
How do we get there?
- I know what it's like to lead a software team.
- I worked as a hands on software guy for more than 20 years.
- I've watched lots of teams struggle and fail.
Here's how it works:
- We connect for a quick call about your team, your specific challenges and your goals
- I create a customized program designed specifically for your team, challenges, goals and which will fit your schedule and your budget.
- I work directly with you and your team to build connection, trust and teamwork. Youcarry forward that momentum and a plan to build on the foundation we created.
What's In It For Your Team?
- Fun memories
- A re-energized team
- Increased trust
- Less conflict
- More collaboration and cohesion
- Higher value delivery
- Room for planning increased business impact and alignment
- Professional facilitation for those "important but not urgent" team discussion topics (Even the potentially dangerous ones.)
- A place and time for team member recognition
Potential Topics
- Team Goal Setting/Planning: Blueprint Retreat
- Leadership Thinking: Four Levels of Thinking as a Geek Leader
- Software Team Excellence: Mastering the Code
- Teamwork: Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
- Remote Team Performance
- Teamwork Without Borders - Maximizing team performance across borders and cultures
- Team Trust
- Team respect and collaboration (The Maxwell Leadership Game)
- EQ for Software Engineers
- DISC Team Dynamics/personality styles
- Team Values Workshop
- Improving our software delivery
- Practical Software Team Performance: Creating a new software team/way. Merging multiple teams or companies (Calibrate Workshop)
- Coaching for Tech Leaders
How much does it cost?
We can offer "Mini retreats" as low as $250/person.
Customized half day remote programs for $6,500
Full day or multi day custom programs for $9,500/day
(For onsite programs, travel expenses apply.)