Becoming a Geek Leader Thu, 19 Mar 2020 01:45:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2025 BrightHill Group Helping Geeks Communicate With & Influence Others Tom Cooper "Because people matter, we must lead them well" One key problem we run into is that we focus on technical skill and don't work on communications and influence. In this podcast I'll help you get more of the important "geek work" done by helping you get others to want to help you! BrightHill Group No Managing stress and fear as we navigate the new normal Thu, 19 Mar 2020 01:42:59 +0000 Four key ideas to consider as we navigate this season:
1. Give yourself some time to adjust to a new routine
2. Let yourself fail at some things.  Nobody is perfect.
3. It’s OK to admit that you’re tired and stressed.
4. Some tips on managing fear.
We will get through this!
]]> 0 Four key ideas to consider as we navigate this season: 1. Give yourself some time to adjust to a new routine 2. Let yourself fail at some things. Nobody is perfect. 3. It’s OK to admit that you’re tired and stressed. 4. Some tips on managing fear. We will get through this! No No 12:35 Tom