Thanks for being a part of my recent Charlotte Technology Leadership Conference session. I’m excited that you are interested in learning more.
See the special offer for CTLC attendees below
We know that if you want to provide a motivating environment for your technical team, you need to create an individual experience for them.
- But you’re busy!
- How in the world will you be able to customize and personalize everything for each person?
- And will it be worth it?
It’s not that hard – WHEN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOOLS. And that’s what DISC can do for you. Understanding how you prefer to organize your work and your communications – understanding how your team members prefer to work and communicate – you’ll actually spend LESS time doing it efficiently than you’re spending now.

People are all different
- Some people “get it” and are easy to deal with.
- Others “don’t get it” and make us crazy.
It’s true that people are all different – but they are PREDICTABLY different. Learning how to predict those differences is powerful and amazing,
Did you know that there’s a simple way to learn about those differences and how they show up at work?
Teambuilding – during COVID?
Did you know that in a short workshop your team can better connect with each other? (Even while working 100% remotely – even while we’re still dealing with COVID!) Your team members take a brief assessment online, then we schedule a virtual session where we go over the results.
- Each person gets a personalized, detailed report
- Each person learns how they prefer to work & communicate
- You’ll get TEAM insights about strengths and challenges faced by the team and
- Tools to use as the leader, and as a team member to maximize your effectiveness.
Get along with anyone – even if you’re not a “people person”
Everyone you encounter is motivated differently, communicates differently, and views tasks and relationships differently.
By spending just a few minutes in an online assessment, you can understand the key drivers and motivators that help you succeed at work.
In a short time, you can learn the keys to connecting with and influencing those around you.

Through a DISC Profile workshop, you will explore ways to:
- Apply the Law of Awareness to recognize your strengths and limitations
- Overcome your shortcomings & clear the path for personal and professional growth
- Understand how others are different and how to work with each personality
- Build a stronger team that communicates, appreciates the style of others, and works well together
- Learn effective strategies for handling conflict and personality clashes
- Develop yourself and others to be their best
Click the button above to set up a quick call to discuss how DISC can work for you!
What are the Four Styles in DISC (2 minute overview)
Special Offer for CTLC attendees!
The first five people who contact me to learn more will receive a FREE DISC personalized assessment and 1-1 live DISC coaching session. $197 value! Click the button below to send me an email. If you’re one of the first five, I’ll contact you immediately with instructions for your FREE DISC assessment.
Even if you’re NOT one of the first five, because you connected with me via CTLC, I’ll make you this deal: Sign up for a DISC workshop for your team, and I’ll throw in a bonus DISC assessment and coaching session. Use it with a peer on another team, use it with you kid, use it with your significant other.
How much does it cost?
- Personalized DISC assessment $97
- Personalized DISC assessment AND 1-1 coaching session: $197
- DISC workshop $247/person – includes 30 page DISC report for each person, 2 hour virtual workshop, team dynamics report, and more.
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