Let Me Help You Plan Your Legacy System Replacement

My proven "Impact Accelerator" process gives you step by steps support to become the hero to the business who delivers updated tech that has significant business impact while freeing you from the hard to support Legacy System headaches.

Download your guide on how to get the budget to deliver real business results and have the support you need  and recognition that you deserve while finally replacing that aging tool.

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Let's Talk About Your Situation

What would it be like to have help on your journey?  Someone who has navigated these waters before who can help you get the business and technology resources needed to really transform business delivery, instead of relying on "the minimum" to keep from falling off a cliff over and over again?    

Let's get on a call to talk about your situation and see whether we are a fit to work together.

No risk, no obligation, just a brief conversation about your Legacy App.

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Unlock True Business Potential Using The Impact Accelerator

Your Legacy System Problem:

Your business relies on technology as a core enabler, but you’re stuck using old, outdated systems. 
The tools that once served your company well are now holding you back. They lack the flexibility to keep up with today’s market demands, and finding experts to maintain them is becoming impossible. 
This is more than a technical debt issue; it’s a roadblock to growth and innovation.
You know you need to replace these aging systems with modern solutions, but where do you start? 

Your Legacy System Problem Gets Worse

In order to pull this off, you’re going to need funding, and more than a little.   
But “old reliable” is running and the business has been using it so long that they have forgotten it’s even out there.  They just depend on the system working. 
And that vendor?  Maybe they are not supporting it anymore.  Maybe they have you on extended support.  Or the required OS fell off support a LONG time ago.  Or maybe it's an abandoned open source project dependent on an ancient version of a programming language.
And the last time you asked for budget to replace it they basically laughed at you, right?

That last "Tech Refresh" without budget?

You remember the last "refresh" project that you did without funding, right?
  •  Scraping by with the minimum
  • Squeezing in "best effort" around the other urgent projects
  • Resorting to the equivalent of duct tape and chewing gum, searching for ANYTHING that could get you off that platform before it collapsed, right?  And
  • No support from the line of business, just complaints about how you couldn't keep up with their OTHER requests

It Shouldn't Have To Be This Hard!

Every day, you are working on delivering with excellence.  Your internal customer has no idea all of the moving parts to keep their systems running, and it gets harder every day.  You know something bad is coming, but they just don't see it (yet.)  It's just wrong that you have to be the one who fights so hard to help them avoid an upcoming crisis.
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The True Cost "Doing Nothing"

When you take the time to look over your application portfolio, you know there are one or two that give you "that feeling" in the pit of your stomach.  You know that one day you'll get the alarms that signal the end for that.  You've had a couple of near misses already.

The "Near Misses"

At least once you've had a time when the Legacy App was super slow, got stuck or required a whack with a big hammer (and a bunch of luck) to get it back working again.  

The whole time that you were feverishly reverse engineering the scripts that were broken, you swore you'd never do this again.  Eventually you got through the crisis, but you know that next time you may not be so lucky.

Where Will You Find Skilled Engineers In the Old Stuff?

What's worse than the lack of documentation is the fact that you don't have ready access to the the skills and team members to do what that platform really needs.  The tech is so old that the folks who learned it in its prime are not retirement age (or worse) and getting young people to gain those skills?  Are you kidding?  

With so much cool new tech out there, who will you bring in to learn stuff older than the dinosaurs?

You're Carrying The Load

So it falls on you, and your work ethic.  

But eventually there will come an external threat, or a regulatory compliance requirement, or a string of bugs that lead to the system being REALLY broken.

You know you need to get off this train, but you've struggled to get the support you need from the business to get serious about replacement.

Call Before It's Too Late.  

I can help you figure out your best approach to get the business to really engage in a replacement effort that can free you from the worry about the thing just falling over and everyone staring at you, hoping you can work a miracle..... again.

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I Believe It. But What About My Boss?

So you're sold on the need, but you know anything this big will need your boss to believe, too, right?

What If We Try And We Fail?

Your boss knows that a collapsed Legacy App will be bad.  But the last thing he wants is a failed digital transformation—an expensive project that leaves your company with more problems than solutions. 

He's seen that happen before.  

Like the professional association he belongs to that spent two years and a million dollars trying to replace their member portal, finally junking the whole effort and leaving them on their aging Legacy System AND having lost all that member money!

How To Get Your Boss On Board

It's easier than you may think.  
The problem is that previous projects were not defined and planned with the right people on the team from the business as well as the technology front.  
If you can show him that there is a framework you can follow that draws the right team, the right goals and the right budget together, he can help you move forward. 
You need a strategic partner who understands how to implement new tools with a focus on business results.  
I've done this with companies and I know the kinds of traps and pitfalls that you can avoid - with the right plan and the right help.  My Impact Accelerator framework gives you everything you need to assure that the plan is a solid one.

Let's talk!

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Impact Accelerator Case Study: Acme Industries

In a nod to my childhood love of  LooneyTunes cartoons, I'll call this client Acme Industries.  After all Acme sold good products.  It was Mr. Coyote who seemed to be challenged in his use of those products.  

At Acme Industries, the journey to a new technology platform wasn’t driven by a CTO or technical lead, but by the COO—a visionary leader who understood that both business and technology were critical to their future success.

A Business-First Approach

This project wasn’t just a typical "digital transformation."
Over the years, I’ve seen far too many projects sold under this buzzword where duct-tape solutions were glorified as innovation. Acme’s COO, however, had the foresight to approach the situation with a clear understanding: real transformation requires more than just a technology upgrade—it demands a business-focused strategy.

The Challenge

Acme faced a common challenge: their long-standing software toolkit, although reliable, had become outdated. The developer responsible for much of its functionality was retiring, and the market for replacement talent with relevant skills was shrinking. The toolkit, though still functioning, was effectively a "burning platform."

A Different Starting Point

We didn’t start with a simple technology question— What tech should we use for the replacement?
Instead, we asked: "What business problems are we solving with this toolkit?" This shifted the conversation from merely updating old tools to solving core business challenges.
By taking a business-first approach, we identified a critical inefficiency in their sales channel.

Starting Small, Delivering Value

This discovery allowed us to pivot our strategy from replicating the entire old system to starting by creating a solution that drove value and improved sales operations.
We pulled together a multidisciplinary team—including business analysts, product managers, and senior technical leaders—to redefine the product based on business needs.
Throughout the process, we involved subject matter experts to ensure the solution aligned with both the business vision and operational requirements.

Our Results

The result? Once launched, the sales platform solved a pressing business problem, demonstrated our ability to implement a digital transformation, and provided revenue to support the next phase of transformation. The new sales toolkit generated higher sales revenue and better profit margins than forecasted, while improving operational processes and speeding up delivery and capacity. It gave important insight to customers on order status as well.
This kind of success, where technology supports real business value, is the kind of transformation we strive to deliver. 
Want results like Acme?  Let's talk!
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